streda 28. septembra 2011


The family is one of nature's masterpieces.  ~George Santayana, The Life of Reason

 For me the family means everything.
It´s the most important gift I have , I care about , I am always fighting with and I will always love from the bottom of my heart.
Let me present you the ones who make me angry sometimes but most of the time who provide me a world od piece and happiness.
My family is kinda small I think and it starts with my dad , Tibor :)
I seriously don´t understand why but everyone is keep telling that I am his visual copy .
I don´t get that because he is a tall , muscled man with mustache , but ok , I guess they are right:D Anyway he is the best father I could ever had and who I can always count on:)
Second member of my family is my lovely mother ,  Jana :)
She´s definitely the one who keeps our family together , with a vulnerable look outside but on the other hand very deep and strong inside.
The third member of our family is the one and only Denisa:)
She is my only sister who is unfortunately not living with us right now because she lives with her fiance.It makes me really sad because without her our house is empty.
She is the person I like the most in the world because she´s not only a good sister but also an amazing friend and a affined soul of mine.
We also have two lovely dogs a cocker Laura and a yorkshire terrier Leo.
So that was something about my family . Even if I didn´t described them a lot I wrote what I feel about them and it is what I find essential:)

Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family.  Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted.  ~Paul Pearshall

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